Saturday, December 15, 2018
'A Rose for Emily: Homer Is The Victim Essay\r'
'In William Faulkner’s well-known short story, â€Å"A Rose for Emilyâ€Â, the town of a rural drop downissippi town luck their thoughts and thought processs of the late 19th century upper year through tales of the lonely discharge Emily Grierson. send a track Emily is a fallen symbol of wealth and prestige who has sour a recluse within her own infrastructure after the death of her begetter. Due to her peculiar musical modes, the citizens musical accompaniment in her hometown develop a curiosity regarding her invigoration. through the citizens, Faulkner shows Miss Emily can non adhere to society’s expectations. A house reveals a person’s life without exactly knowing their past or background. To an extent, the coming into court of a person’s house forms how neighbors view each new(prenominal), especially someone as reluctant to visitors as Miss Emily. Because the towns concourse do not know much about their inquisitive neighbor, they u mpire her based on her disheveled home. Describing it as â€Å"an eyesore among eyesores,†their reproval of the Grierson estate â€Å"that had erst been white, decorated with cupolas and spires and scrolled balconies in the heavy lightsome style of the seventies, set on what had once been our most select street†was a engross among the township (Faulkner).\r\nHer neighbors viewed the house as a belt along down building that caused embarrassment to the town. Miss Emily’s lack of landscaping for her property made her an shipwreck survivor among the township. Other complaints were filed due to Miss Emily’s house reeking of a pungent smell. The town was so annoyed with the vile scent they decided to rob the outskirts of her home with lime. This showed the occupants of the town were disapproving of her lifestyle, like an American would be annoyed with the hygienic habits of a cut citizen, whose culture differs from the United States. In society, the re is a certain standard people must come to to be respected by others. One momentous standard is staying up to date with their revenue enhancement payments. tally to Miss Emily, she did not have to adhere to tax notices like the rest of the town because her fuss loaned funds to the town decades ago, which still equates to her remittal of taxes. However this changed, â€Å"When the neighboring generation, with its more modern ideas, became mayors and alderman, this arrangement created some teensy dissatis faction†(Faulkner).\r\nThey began to mail her tax notices with many going unsupervised too. Eventually, they surrender to Miss Emily’s stubbornness. If it had been any other citizen in town, there would be repercussions to one omitting their taxes and not being a servile citizen. However, Miss Emily is qualified to get a guidance with this because she is difficult to deal with and testament not conform to the towns wishes. The town believes she has an unst able intellectual and makes exceptions due to her diverse behaviors. Because of Miss Emily’s exemption to her civil duty, the townspeople were disappointed in Miss Emily and wondered why she was so obstinate. They disapprove of her actions, but reluctantly give in to her wishes because there is no way to reason with Miss Emily. Another way Miss Emily did not act as the others was her denial of her father’s death.\r\nIt took Miss Emily three days to go down to her father’s passing and truly disclose her father was deceased. Although it is customary for people to grieve, the exceeded amount of age Miss Emily clung to her dead father bemused the townspeople. When they visited to cover their condolences, Miss Emily did not act like an bonny person. They were uncomfortable because Miss Emily held onto her father’s the Great Compromiser and did not bury it like typical people do. Because of Miss. Emily’s extended amount of time with her fatherâ₠¬â„¢s deceased body, she was not accepted among the townspeople. It created an mystery in their mind and they did not give acclamation of her actions. Due to this, Miss Emily bewildered the townspeople which created clangor between them.\r\nSince the townspeople could not pinpoint Miss Emily’s personality, they believed she was an unusual person who could not move the rest of society well, due to the fact she was confused to their cliché ways. Because Miss Emily was â€Å"a tradition, a duty, and a rush; a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town,†the townspeople had an obvious expectation of Miss Emily (Faulkner). This did not see to have an effect on Miss Emily because she showed no desire to conform. Miss Emily knew she was not popular among the townspeople; however, it did not concern her. Unfortunately, Miss Emily did not experience them through her unkempt house, disregard for taxes and peculiar way of grieving. Miss Emily was perceived as an odd genius; she was not accepted among the townspeople for her individual way of handling situations and viewing life, mainly due to the fact they differ from society’s.\r\n'
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